

Barstool / cod.148

A classic and essential design and the functional lines of these chairs enable this collection to be placed in any type of outdoor space.

Material:  Steel

Collection:  Bridge

Additional cushions: C/716 Universal cushion

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Technical Info

Weight: 8.80 Kg
Dimensions L/P/H: 54 x 61 x 104 cm
Stackable: 8
Static Load: 200 Kg
Test: EN581-1 / EN581-2
Seat Height: 77 cm



To keep the product in good condition for a long time, we recommend storing it indoors and in a dry place during the winter to prevent condensate from forming. Before the winter and on a quarterly basis, if the products are kept near the sea, it is recommended to clean the metal surfaces with a soft cloth using water or detergent and protect them with Vaseline oil or car wax.